A performance by:
Maurizio Chiantone | Composition, Sound Design, Acousmatic Music
Rasjid Cesar | Coreography, Butoh Dance
Festival EN CHAIR ET EN SON #2
Organised by AEA (Aventures Electro Acoustiques),
Motus compagnie musicale, Le Cube, Centre de création numérique.
Issy les Moulineaux – Paris, from 6th to 8th of october 2016.
International meetings butoh dance and acousmatic music
Thinking about the body and reflecting on the sound I heard vibrate naturally within me a point of physical contact, emotional and full of energy, sensuality. We know that the human body is itself a physical body, intellectual and spiritual that is the sound with its own language.
But even more it is the extension, celebrates it and back to life each time; every time, just like a sacred ceremony.
The musician who composes and shapes the sound does the same.
I strongly felt the dreamlike and symbolic value that assumes the body in relation to sound and vice versa. It takes a symbiosis that drives the change, a transformation of life itself; and this step, this awareness is made possible thanks to the courage of profaning, dig, break up and then find a possible direction.
Bring to light a piece of truth or knowledge, the fruit of research and between soul and body touch, sound and form, life and substance of things. Pollution is desecration. It is the positive way to break for a moment the limits and bring into the stage the essence of the meeting: Body and Sound.
Program Festival – Site