From the 5th until the 11th of August 2019 we want artists from all over the world to meet together to create Cross-Cities, a temporary place dedicated to the community, to art, expression of self and self-sufficiency. In this melting pot of creativity, everyone is welcome.
Compagnia di Resistenza Artistica [CREA] is a spontaneous movement of free thinkers with the desire to realize a first reunion of artists on the theme of cultural resistance in support of a strengthening of the social and human importance of art, against the diffusion of a thought general of creative dripping and reiterated socio-economic models.
Creative, thinkers, artists, musicians, activists in all disciplines, artisans, directors, curators, writers,
researchers and thinkers connected to the arts and the arts linked to new technological media are
invited to participate and gather to offer ideas, performances , installations, events and different
contributions in the internal and peripheral areas of the community, during the summer week from
the 5th until the 11th of August 2019, in the beautiful medieval village of Sant’Agata De ‘Goti in the
Province of Benevento, Campania \ Italy [pinterest].
We have both public and private spaces to
develop new ideas, even temporary creation of works of art, with the aim of forming new networks
on the theme of resistance.
Our interest is the process and the sharing of the concept of cultural resistance rather than the final
The organizational team will support innovative proposals, traditional systems, invention,
multilingual applications, individual or collective programmed interventions and any other modality
of artistic expression to be shared with the local and international community.
Cross-Cities is self-managed and proposes itself as a spontaneous platform for the development of
projects with artists that favor the crossing of ideas and experimentation in every culturally different
Each guest is invited to carve out a period useful for his / her intervention, one, two days, or the
whole week from the 5th until the 11th of August 2019 and to adopt a site where to propose oneself,
among those made available.
We will work side by side and supporting activities to better contribute to the event of every
resident that will be advertised in our Newsletter, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Pinterest, Website and inserted in the Cross-Cities catalog whose publication is expected in the
months following the meeting.
To join, the candidates are invited to deepen the goals, conditions and mission of Cross-
Cities, fundamental prerequisites for the success of the meeting. It is therefore important that each
proposal be in harmony with the spirit of the manifesto and of these guidelines before submitting
their participation, having as a reference point inclusive, dissemination activities as well as
engaging, communicative and collaborative.
To submit your membership you need to subscribe to the Newsletter, useful to facilitate updates
scheduled for preparation and fill out the Application Form.
We suggest you apply for a week if you wish to contribute with a site-specific work.
Insights and compilation form: Cross-Cities